HURTS !!!!!
It felt heaps better yesterday so I went for a run.... run a bit ouch tight, very tight thighs and calf on my right leg, stop running walk a bit. Start running again, the process repeated itself quiet a bit as I ran through my 6km run. Get home feel fine, legs a bit tight. The fiance rubbed my right leg down with anti flame and things are ok, tight but ok. Get up today and get to work walk about a bit and BOOM OUCH! My knee is hurting ... txt a friend at works hubby he is a physio, but can't get an appointment until tomorrow.. how annoying ! So no running for me until this is sorted as it hurts BADLY and I am limping as I don't want to put my body weight on it.
I think finally my protein bars have arrived and hopefully my powder will by tomorrow aswell or I am going to run out.
Dinner I think I may have Ptita pit, rather liking that at the moment for a quick easy meal.
I have xmas presents to finish buying and wrapping to start tonight as well. I will be home alone for the first time in a very long time. ( I live with my in laws and sister in law as well!)
3 months today until the house "should" be done !!! roll on that time going buy I miss my stuff and space and being able to do whatever etc as well.
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