Exercise Log

13 March - started week 5 of C25km and I am loving it.. I am adding a few more mins of running to it and I am up to 22 mins of intervals so its awesome as far as I am concerned.
Looking forward to another run today.

10 March: The last two weeks I have been exercising well.
This week I have managed 4 runs so far and 1 x walk/weights session, aiming to do another tonight after my late meeting at school all going well. Completed week 4 of c25km onto week 5 on Wednesday.

25/2/15 - Wednesday - C25km week 2 day 3 
22/2/15 - Sunday - Walk/run -weights - 10 mins solid running + 1 min and 18 mins walking
2 x 15 tri cept dips and 10 push ups, 10 v up, 30 russion twists 15 sit ups, 20 kettle bell swing squats, 10 x linges each leg + 8 kg,  10 squats, 10 bent over rows 4 kg each hand x 2 and 15 bic cep curls 4 kgs in each hand.

Total 38 mins exercise and I felt awesome!!!! 

21/2/15 - Saturday - C25km week 2 day 2 + 3 mins solid running and 1 min up hill

16/2/15 - Monday - 40 min walk.

15/2/15 - Sunday - 35 min walk + weight 6 x turkish get up each side, 12 x dumbell plants, 8 x walking plank, 12 x V up with 4 kg weight, 30 x russian twist, 10 x kettle bell rise squats, 10 x each leg lunges + 8 kgs, 15 x tri cep dips

14/2/15 - Saturday - C25km Week 2 day 1 + 1 min jogging + 2 min jogging + 1 min up hill and a bit more walking to get home

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