I'm 4 days into this week and so far, I have done 2 x sets of strength work and 2 x runs. I am really pleased with myself. I also worked out that I can not run with the thing telling me every 5 mins that I have done this many kms etc blah blah. I ran without it today and enjoyed my run ( minus the cramp) a lot more. BUT I do have very sore / heavy thighs from my run. I will foam roll my legs soon and release some of the lactic acid in them.
I have eaten well that past two days, today I have an upset tummy, possibly mild food poisoning from the pork I ate yesterday, so trying hard to eat enough as I ran this morning and burnt 450 odd calories so I need to eating at least 1500 to make sure I eating enough net calories.
The "fat chance" workbook I am working through yesterday set me the goal to only eat when I was hungry. WOW was this a insight for me. I definitely eat often from boredom and because others are eating. NOT GOOD so yesterday I tackled that and today it was to clear our the environment, well as you all know my house/pantry is filled with "Today is also the day to clean out your fridge, freezer and pantry of all foods that you know are poor food choices. Throw out biscuits, chippies, sugared drinks, jam, sweets and do not allow them back in. That means, do not buy them again." So I have promised myself to not have these things pass my lips or to buy them and not to bring them into my home when we move in. The boy can have a container with his bits in it. NOT for me to eat and I will write that on the top of the box if I have too.
The other part of today is to reduce the size of the plate you eat on. "Today purchase, or find in your kitchen, two small plates and two small bowls. (Buy two of each so when one is in the dishwasher you will always have a clean one.) The plates should be 20cm or less in diameter. The bowls should be 15cm or less in diameter if shallow or 12cm or less in diameter if deeper, so that they contain no more than one cup when comfortably full. (Yes, I am serious.) You may have a larger bowl to use for soups only. Choose attractive ones that you really like and will enjoy using. You may also decide to use a small knife and fork and a teaspoon for everything except soup."
So I need to go and measure our plates. I have actually been eating my lunch off a small side plate recently anyway so I don't think it will bother me. As it says you can have seconds just the idea is to reduce portions in a way, visual thing.
Water intake is good, at neatly 2.5 litres so far today. Yesterday I managed nearly 4 litres over the day, also a good way to distract from the food intake as well. I feel really positive about working on my mental space it really is helping me make changes.
I am looking forward to weighing myself on monday and having a a we measure of myself. I know that doing the strength training will help me with toning and being strong.
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