Monday, 13 January 2014

Been a little quiet this week

This week hasn't been a great as last week, I had 2 bad days eating and 2 missed exercise sessions. BUT I am ok with that I made choices they are mine to own.

Week 2 weight in results

CW: 99.4
Loss of 100 grams 
Total lost 2014 - 2 kgs 

Week 7 - 13 January 

# consistent 4 runs a week   2 runs this week I haven't been feeling the best 
# 3 strength sessions a week 2 strength sessions
# 3x1 min prone every day ! NOPE !! MUST do this 
# stretch my legs and back ( increase the length in my hip flexers) Getting there but not enough

# track 5/7 days 
# reduce sugar and fat content of foods ummm most of the week then yesterday I went on a bender!

# eat well balanced meals most of the time 
# no binging yesterday I ate about 6 favourite chocolate bars 
# 2 -3 litres a day not consistent

# work on positive self talk Getting there 
# increase mental strength to not give up when running   I am managing this well goal this week is a 45 mins run
# work through things and not eat my emotions ( HUGE task) Yesterday the other half annoyed me to the point I was in tears and so upset I ate, he is just a "bloke" sometimes and it pisses me off 

Overall at times the wheels fall off its how we put them back on and how quickly we put them back on that counts. I have my fitst of the three runs this week and I am scared but looking forward to it. I also need to run for 45 mins this week.. and as of next monday... Its HALF MARATHON 12 week training !!! EEEkk 

I have lost cms of my boobs, waist and hips to.. so I am happy.. I can do this ! 

One day at a time good choices ! 

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