The last week has been a little rough food wise, I have managed to eat far far to much in a global sense, drinking not so bad but thats normal for me I don't normally drink too excessively.
So my weight is up over the 100 kg mark, which makes running a little hard at times BUT I am now able to run just under 5 kms solid and I am loving it. So I will work on getting to the 5 km mark and then will keep the intensity until my 12 week half marathon training kicks in. I DO need to become more regular with my strength stuff as I have been a little lazy about it so it needs to become a priority and I need to get strong. I am hoping with the exercise and healthy balance eating I will lose some weight as a side product of everything as I need to get the kgs off I am uncomfortable and I hate being this big. ( living arrangements will change in the next 10 weeks so YAY for being able to "de-junk" my environment.)
I am looking forward to getting into 4 runs a week that increase in time. I know I need to be consistent every single time!! No letting a run go and no just not doing things, its got to be done to make me the best me I can be to complete this event.
# consistent 4 runs a week
# 3 strength sessions a week
# 3x1 min prone every day !
# stretch my legs and back ( increase the length in my hip flexers)
# track
# reduce sugar and fat content of foods
# eat well balanced meals
# no binging
# 2 -3 litres a day
# work on positive self talk
# increase mental strength to not give up when running
# work through things and not eat my emotions ( HUGE task)
I can do this.. this week until new years is about re-setting the healthy balanced approach to food and continuing to get my routine stabilised and in place. I have just over 3 weeks until its only 12 weeks until this event ( guess I had better enter it as well).
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